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4 Tips For Starting Your Day Off Right!

Like how the beginning of a good story sets the pace of a chapter, starting your day in a good way enables you to achieve your daily goals and end the day on a good note. Here are 4 tips for starting the day off right!


Be Grateful & Express It

Everybody can find things to be grateful about if we think about it for a moment, and sharing something we are grateful for with others can make everyone feel better!

“Learning the art of expressing gratitude will force you to focus on the positive.” – Jim Rohn

Pre-Plan Your Day

Instead of rushing about in the morning to put together a to-do list, try spending a few moments before going to sleep for the night writing it down. Keep a notepad next to your sleeping area to jot down reminders for the next day.

Organizing yourself by picking out and setting aside your outfit, making sure your wallet or purse and keys are all together in one spot can do wonders for preventing panicked searches in the morning.

Try writing down a positive affirmation like “I will have a great day today and inspire others” or “I smile more because I think positively”.

These may all seem like little things, but little things add up over time and turn into big benefits!

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”- Zig Ziglar

Do Not Rush

Try setting your alarm 5 minutes earlier in the mornings and when you wake up you won’t feel the need to rush through your morning routines. Worried about losing sleep time? Get to bed a little earlier too!

If you have already pre-planned your day, then you do not need to rush as almost everything has been set the night before.

Starting your morning at a relaxed pace will reduce your stress and help set the pace for a great day!

“Rushing never saved the time that planning did.”- Unknown

Get Positive Vibes Over Breakfast

Breakfast is probably the last thing you do before stepping out to face the day, so while you are eating, try reading or listening to something positive while you eat. There are plenty of resources for uplifting stories, positive quotes, funny video clips and more at our fingertips.

You get to choose what your mind absorbs, so choose the positive over the negative!

“We weren’t put here to be miserable. We were put here to do the best we can and we should take our energy and improve our state of being.”- John Maxwell


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